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  • 10 Aug 2021
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  • By Admin

Why Joints Pain During Cold & Rainy Season? How To Reduce This Pain?

Remember grandma complaining about pain in the knees and legs during the rainy season and cold weather? Have you ever wondered why this happens? And more importantly, how to reduce and manage this pain?

In this blog, we will discuss this critical health issue, and provide a seamless solution as well.

Why Joints Pain During Monsoon?

There are several types of research and studies done on the aspect of joints, muscle, and ligament pain during monsoon, and there is strong evidence that suggests there is a strong relationship between joint pain and weather.

For instance, as per some studies, it has been found that changes in barometric pressure have a strong bearing on sudden joint pain during monsoon. Due to changes in the atmospheric pressure, the muscles, tendons, and scar tissues expand and contract, which results in joint pain, especially for arthritis patients.

Besides, low temperature and high humidity can make the fluids inside the joints thicker, which directly results in joint pain.

Another theory by researchers states that if the cartilages that cushion the bones within a joint are worn off, then the nerves in the exposed bones can be triggered during the rainy season, which can result in joint pain.

Moreover, during the rainy season, when it’s pouring outside, physical movements tend to reduce, thereby making the inactive joints stiff and thus, painful.

Hypothyroidism, a condition wherein the thyroid doesn’t create enough thyroid hormones to release into the bloodstream, has also an effect on joint pain, especially during monsoon. Common effects can be muscle stiffness, aches, tenderness, and stiffness, especially in the shoulders and hips.

Now, more research is being conducted to find the relation between Hypothyroidism and the rainy season, and more details are awaited.

How To Reduce Joint Pain During Rainy Season?

A quickfire solution can be Warmth. Keep your body, and especially your joints warm by taking a warm water bath or wearing warm clothes.

However, Exercises and enhanced physical activity is the primary, long term solution, and in this regard, Physiotherapy is the way forward.

Experienced and seasoned Physiotherapists from CureNow Wellness Physiotherapy can accurately diagnose such conditions of joint pain during the rainy season, and create an in-depth blueprint of physical exercises such as stretching and mobilization to manage and reduce seasonal joint pain.

CureNow Wellness Physiotherapy has UK-certified and trained Physiotherapists, having years of experience in optimally managing such joint pain during winter and rainy seasons. We have the capability and expertise to not only suggest the best, most result-oriented physical exercises for such joint pain, but also help the patients to do these exercises: first with the assistance of the Physiotherapists, and then gradually on their own.

We have witnessed massive transformation and impact due to the correct physiotherapy for the patients, having long-term benefits.

Consult with us at CureNow Wellness Pvt. Ltd. F-Residences, Shop # 25, First Floor, Wadgaon Sheri, Kalyani Nagar Annexe, Pune - 411014, Maharashtra.