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  • 08 Sep 2022
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Physiotherapy Guide For 5 Major Types Of Sports Injuries

Whoever is active outdoors, and indulges in sports-related activities, for them, sports injuries are a very common issue. As per the IOC manual of sports injuries, it’s defined as “damage to the tissues of the body that occurs as a result of sport or exercise.

Sports injuries can happen due to overtraining, incorrect posture while playing sports, lack of conditioning, and more.

Sometimes, sports injuries can be as simple as an ankle sprain, or in some cases, as complex as acute trauma or repetitive stress, which happens to professional athletes.

Mainly, sports injuries impact bones and soft tissues which include ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Physiotherapy has been observed to be an effective and efficient way to not only cure sports injuries but also prevent them.

In this blog, we will discuss the Physiotherapy Guide for the 5 most common types of sports injuries, and find out how patients can get relief.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis occurs due to the collagen degeneration of the plantar fascia, at the origin, heel, and surrounding of the perifascial structure.

Physiotherapists suggest massage of the Plantar Fascia, along with heel raise and resistance-based ankle inversion (while sitting on the floor) for treating this condition.

Along with that, Electrotherapy Modalities like Digimed-301 & Kinesiotaping are also suggested for speedy recovery.

Ankle Sprain

With a lost balance, or a foot twist, you can experience an ankle sprain, and often it’s painful.

For treating a mild ankle sprain, physiotherapists suggest ice packs, compression, and elevation techniques. However, for a medium-grade ankle sprain, it’s suggested to deploy a complete RICE Program (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), and the patient is asked to immobilize the ankle using a bandage or splint.

Range of motion exercises such as Ankle alphabet, and knee motion, and mild stretching exercises such as Elastic band push and Elastic band pull are advised in this condition.

Depending on the current status, physiotherapists also recommend Digimed-301 & Kinesiotaping, which are Electrotherapy Modalities under Physiotherapy treatment.

ACL Strain / Knee

ACL or anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is caused when this ligament (in the middle of the knee) is overstretched or experiences tear and wear due to sports or any accident.

ACL results in impacting the stability of the knee and severe ACL injuries may require surgeries.

For mild cases of ACL, physiotherapists suggest exercises such as heel slides, Isometric Quad Contractions, Prone Knee Flexion and Passive Knee Extensions. It has been observed that Digimed-301 & Kinesiotaping are also useful for pain management and speedy recovery. These are Electrotherapy Modalities under physiotherapy treatment.

Quad Strain

When the quadriceps experience acute tearing injury, then the condition is known as quadriceps muscle strain, and it can cause due to fast running or sprinting (for example football)

In the cases of quadriceps muscle strain, physiotherapists can suggest exercises for hip flexion, knee extension and squat control, in order to strengthen the muscles and ensure all range of motions.

In case the physiotherapist deems fit, Digimed-301 & Kinesiotaping can also be suggested, which are Electrotherapy Modalities.

Lower Back Pain

For mild cases of lower back pain, physiotherapists can suggest ice packs, heat application and electrical simulation, which are categorized under passive physical therapy.

In case lower back pain is consistent and intense, then active physical therapies can be suggested, which include Stretching, Dynamic stabilization exercises, and Core strengthening exercises. Electrotherapy Modalities such as Digimed-301 & Kinesiotaping can also be recommended.

It’s always recommended to consult our UK-certified and UK-trained Physiotherapists at CureNow Wellness, who have extensive experience in treating sports injuries.

Book an appointment today!