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  • 08 Feb 2023
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Physiotherapy For Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) And Asthma

What Is COPD?

COPD is a long-term lung disease marked by inflammation that obstructs airflow in the lungs, causing difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, and increased mucus production.

It is largely caused by prolonged exposure to irritating gases or particles, often from smoking. People with COPD face a heightened risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and other health issues. The two most common components of COPD are emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which often co-exist and can present differently in severity among those with COPD.

COPD is a degenerative illness that worsens with time, but it is also manageable. Through proper treatment, the majority of those with COPD can improve their symptoms, and quality of life, and decrease their risk of related health issues.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory condition characterized by narrow and inflamed airways that may produce extra mucus, causing difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

For some, asthma may be a minor inconvenience, but for others, it can significantly impact daily activities and pose a risk of a severe asthma attack.

Although asthma has no cure, its symptoms can be managed effectively. Monitoring and adjusting treatment in response to changes in symptoms is crucial in working with a doctor to manage asthma effectively.

Physiotherapy For COPD Patients

With proper and dedicated physiotherapy, COPD patients can get relief and initiate the healing process with physiotherapy.

Based on the diagnosis and present situation, some exercises and activities which physiotherapists can suggest for COPD patients:

  • Breathing exercises to alleviate breathlessness and clear mucus/phlegm
  • Manual techniques like percussion and vibration to loosen mucus/phlegm
  • Proper positioning to enhance lung expansion and clear phlegm
  • Exercise programs to increase activity and improve fitness
  • Education and self-management guidance on using inhalers, nebulizers, and oxygen
  • Recommendations, advice, and training on using devices to clear the airway and maintain lung volume
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation classes offered in hospitals and community settings

The treatment plan will enable the patient to manage their condition effectively and identify when to seek assistance from doctors.

Physiotherapy For Asthma Patients

Some common exercises and activities suggested for asthma patients by physiotherapists:

Breathing Techniques:

Physiotherapists employ two primary breathing techniques:

Breathing retraining - focuses on normalizing breathing patterns

Buteyko breathing - targets hyperinflation and is also a form of breathing retraining

Respiratory Muscle Training:

Many asthma patients avoid physical activities due to fear of an asthma attack. However, avoiding physical activity can worsen the condition by reducing the body's ability to breathe. A physiotherapist will help train the respiratory muscles to improve breathing and increase physical activity. This can be achieved using respiratory devices and later progress to exercises and other physical activities.

Timing and Rhythm Method:

During an attack, taking smaller breaths can relax the air passage and lungs. The breath retraining technique involves breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. It's essential to work with both your physiotherapist and doctor for optimal results, as medicine and physiotherapy should complement each other.

Schedule an appointment with our highly expert and UK-trained/certified physiotherapists at CureNow to find out how Physiotherapy can help COPD and Asthma patients.