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  • 23 Mar 2023
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  • By Admin

Workout Injuries Of The Shoulder? This Is How Physiotherapy Can Help You Right Away

Engaging in a workout at the gym can have a therapeutic effect.

You can perform your exercises, receive guidance from your trainer or instructor, and lift weights. This regimen can leave you feeling rejuvenated.

There's nothing quite like running on the treadmill or completing a challenging deadlift after a tough day. However, despite the endorphins flowing, there is always the possibility of an unfortunate event occurring, such as a workout injury.

Whether it's a shoulder injury, ankle sprain during leg day, or a sudden muscle spasm from a poor form: Your normal routine is disrupted, and you feel helpless.

This is where Physiotherapy can help you, right away.

Types Of Workout Injuries Of The Shoulder

Some common shoulder injuries resulting from workouts include (but are not limited to)

Rotator Cuff Injury

Weight Lifter Shoulder

Dislocated Shoulder

Sprains and strains




Torn rotator cuffs

Frozen shoulder

Arthritis and more.

How Physiotherapy Can Help To Recover?

Physical therapy for shoulder pain resulting from workouts involves more than just generic exercise routines. While whole-body exercises are beneficial for overall physical and mental well-being, physical therapy exercises for shoulder pain are specifically designed to achieve four key goals.

The first goal is strengthening, as chronic shoulder pain can lead to weakened muscles in the shoulders and upper back. Strengthening exercises for these areas can offer greater support to the shoulder joint.

The second goal is to increase the range of mobility, as limited movement in tendons and ligaments can exacerbate shoulder pain. Many shoulder rehabilitation exercises aim to gradually increase the pain-free range of motion.

The third goal is breaking up scar tissue, which can form after surgery and cause limited movement and pain even during the healing process. Breaking up scar tissue promotes flexibility in the joint and helps ease movement.

The fourth and most crucial goal is improving quality of life, as shoulder pain can impede the simplest of life's joys, like lifting your arms to hug your children. Physical therapy for shoulder pain is geared toward helping patients regain their quality of life by restoring functionality and reducing discomfort.

Tips For Shoulder Exercises

To alleviate shoulder pain encountered during workouts, the patient needs to do the basic exercises upto three to six times per week, as per the suggestions and recommendations of the physiotherapist.

Some tips:

  • Begin with a ten-minute routine and gradually increase the duration as the patient becomes stronger and more adaptable.
  • As the exercises are being done, the patient should concentrate on loosening up and releasing any pressure in the shoulders or other areas where they may feel tightness.
  • Stretch only to the extent that feels comfortable for the day, avoiding pushing oneself past the limits. If any pain is encountered beyond mild discomfort, exercises should be stopped.

Consult With CureNow

Book an appointment with our UK-trained and certified Physiotherapists at CureNow Wellness, and take the first step towards treating shoulder pain. Our expert Physiotherapists will first diagnose the condition and accordingly suggest the best treatment and exercises for treating shoulder pain.

CureNow Wellness Pvt. Ltd.
F-Residences, Shop # 25, First Floor, Wadgaon Sheri, Kalyani Nagar Annexe, Pune - 411014, Maharashtra

Timings: 10:30 AM-8:30 PM
(Sunday closed)